
    Med en ny HD i Marketing Management i bagagen og en uddannelse som Cand. Merc i International Business, så jeg kan løse disse opgaver for din virksomhed.

    I Vestas sad jeg de sidste tre år, men hovedvægt på market intelligence, så analyse af marked, kunder og konkurrenter er noget jeg har erfaring i. Jeg stod også for det som hed, "The Commercial Planning Process" i Vestas Northern Europe. Her blev lavet deep-dive analysis af de 35 største kunder, og herefter blev der sat mål for hver enkelt Key Account.

    Do your company need a similar strategy project? And you would like a reality check on if your are focusing on the right customers, they it may be a good idea to contact me.

    Within the area of Marketing, there are a range of tasks I can solve for you:

    Market-, customer and competitor analysis

    B2B and B2C strategy

    Strategy work

    Sales-, marketing og digital strategy

    Developement of Business Plans

    PowerPoint and other presentations

    Trade Fair and Conference Participation

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