
    Are you busy trying to secure your next order, and have You no real time to sit down and analyze your market?

    Do you have a product you think you can sell abroad - but don't know how?

    Or do you just need some extra hands right now?

    Do you wish to sell to the wind turbine market in Denmark or abroad?


    My approach to Market Intelligence

    To me it is very imporatant that if I make a Market Research for you, then it is because you should use it and not just put the report in the draw. I have a very pragmatic approach to marketing. The target must either be that your customers will become more aware and will wish to buy your products and services, or you will become a solid basis for decision making that will enable you to choose the right sales channels, sales partners, export markets, strategy etc.

    Research is a strenght of mine, and by that I mean I am good at digging information up, structuring them and use them.

    In my world Market Intelligence is not just about facts. It is about predicting the future as precisely as possible. In other words trying to come as close to the  truth as possible.

    I divide market intellingence into four groups:

    a) Things that we know are true - meaning we are aware of them and we can prove and conclude they are facts. Those are the easy ones. The process is then to stucture data -> present data -> make decisions.

    b) The things we know that we do not know. These are information we are aware of, and it might be possible to define them, design the analysis and try to collect them via a structred data collection process. It may be expensive and difficult - but it is possibe as we are aware of what we need.

    c) Things we think we know - but we are wrong.  Here it is important to challenge the organisation about the way the staff see the world. We must secure that the lists of sales leads are updated or follow up upon if the customers are as satisfied as we think they are. It is a "are we right" process where we move intelligence from category c to category a (facts again).

    d)The last group are are also things that we do not know that we don't know. But this time this is infomation that we would not be able to be aware before we face the new reality. Suddently a new competitor appear, a loyal customer chooses a competing brand, a big customer becomes bankrupt etc. We have to remember what happens tomorrow is not a fact so we must make predictions. Based on experience and facts we must work with likelyhoods. Especially when entering into a new market the unexpected may cost delays and money. En explorative approach to market reseach is recommended in the beginning in order to raise awareness, so things that we are unawere of can me moved from category (d) to category (b) and then to category (a). The more aware we can become, the better we will know what to look out for and the more precise budgets at marketing plans we can create. The result will be better decisionmaking

    On these pages you can see how I may be able to help your company.